We love our layback and mellow Cochins! These backyard darlings are big balls of fluffy love! ❤️
Here are some fun facts about them:
The Cochin chicken breed arrived on the shores of Britain and America from the bustling port of Shanghai, China in the mid 1800s.
They were gifted to the Queen of Victoria and the queen kept and raised them in the royal garden.
Cochins are recognized by the American Poultry Association in several color patterns: Buff, Partridge, White, Black, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, Blue, Brown, and Barred and were admitted to the Standard of Perfection in 1874.
They are known as The Most Gentle of Giants.
From the side they look like a heart shaped fluff ball.
They rarely get upset about anything and just get on with things.
They enjoy being picked up and cuddled by children.
Thank you to the The Livestock Conservancy, Roys Farm and Back Yard Chicken Coop for providing us with these fun facts!