Our team at Organic Chicken Farming is delighted to offer our customers the opportunity to experience the joy of raising chickens. From witnessing these fluffy balls of cuteness transform into beautiful and self-assured teenagers and hens, we couldn't have asked for anything better. To show our appreciation for the caring, fun, and loving owners who have entrusted us with their feathered companions, we would like to present the owner of the Star Chickens with a special coupon. This coupon can be exchanged for an Organic Chicken Farming pullet of their choosing this year - a small token of our gratitude 🐥 Shown below are the Star Chickens belonging to our valued customers. These remarkable hens are the result of their owners' unwavering dedication, caring and nurturing, making them beloved additions to their families.
⭐️Glafira and Leticia⭐️
The Stars of this month are Australorps, Glafira and Leticia!
Let us hear what their ownesr have to say about them!!
"Black Australorps Leticia and Glafira joined our small flock of just two other chickens about a month ago. They were a little shy at first, but are getting more and more confident every day. At this time they have fully integrated into the flock and spend their day and night together with our bossy Buff Orpingtons Golda and Zaza. Our new girls are healthy and active, have a great appetite and are just plain gorgeous. Just look at that black plumage with iridescent green! Leticia and Glafira like the organic scratch that we make, black soldier fly larva, fruits and vegetables. We love them and can't wait until they start laying eggs".
Thank you so much for the wonderful updates! Leticia and Glafira have surely grown up!
Below are some of Glafira and Leticia and her sisters, Golda and Zara' photos provided by their owners. Enjoy!

⭐️KAWAII⭐️The Star of this month is Kawaii. Kawaii is a Red Shoulder Yokohama.Let us hear what her owner have to say about Kawaii!!
"Kawaii, the Yokohama Red Shoulder, joined our family at 3 months (give or take), and is now around 7 months. She is the youngest and lowest of the pecking order in a group of 3 other larger hens ranging 9 to 11 months old. However, her best bud is the top girl...so Kawaii enjoys life in her new home with minimal fussiness from the other ladies.
At first she was quiet and very shy, however she has blossomed during her teen ‘years’. She has found her voice with a crow meets duck-esque squawk that is truly all her own. She is quite curious and will hop in your lap, take a good long look at you and if nothing edible appears move right along. What she lacks in size she makes up for in confidence and speed. Kawaii is incredibly quick and fearless, often taking blueberries from the mouth of her bigger sisters and devouring them before they realize what happened.
She is also quite the escape artist and we often come home to find her roaming the patio and helping herself to the delights of the garden. Kawaii has been a great addition to the flock and has recently started to contribute to the family offering up 5 of the cutest little white eggs a week.william -for more of Kawaii and her sisters follow us here @levi.frances"Thank you so much for the wonderful updates! Kawaii is very KAWAII!! Below are some of Kawaii and her sisters photos provided by her owner. Enjoy!

⭐️Oprah and Olso⭐️The Stars of this month are Oprah and Oslo. Oprah is a French Black Copper Marans, and Oslo is a Norwegian Jaerhon. Let us hear what their owner have to say about Oprah and Oslo!
"We brought 4 month old Oprah, the stately Black Copper Maran, and Oslo, the beautiful Norwegian Jaerhon, into our little city flock 2 months ago. Both have become wonderful friends of the home, and have settled in nicely. Oslo has even started to lay perfect little eggs - already, at only about 6 months old! Oprah is extremely food motivated and will jump up and whisk treats out of my hands, while Oslo busily checks every corner of the enclosure for edibles. They go out into our garden every day, have become friends with the squirrels and our cat Pablo. They are a great addition to life here on the coast. Thanks for raising them for us!"Thank you so much for the wonderful updates! The girls have grown up! Below are some of Oprah and Olso's photos provided by their owner. Enjoy!

The Stars of this month are Sweet and Sour. Sweet is a Light Brahma and Sour is a Buff Brahma. They are the big sisters of three younger girls, a Buff Polish, a Prairie Bluebell Egger and a Lavender Orpington.
Let us hear what their owners have to say about Sweet and Sour! "Sweet is our more docile of the two. Sour is very vocal about her needs and is always wishing to speak to my manager.They love free ranging and finding good dust bathing spots. Their favorite treats are apples and grubs. They lay brown eggs almost everyday! They are super curious and nosy, if anything appears new in the yard they must investigate and of course Sour is the first one there. They are usually attached at the hip, so if you see one the other is close by. They argue for the same nesting box even thought they have plenty to choose from lol."
Thank you so much for sharing about Sweet and Sours' personalities! The fighting of their nesting box is hilarious!
Below are some of Sweet and Sour's photos provided by their owners. Enjoy!

The Star of this month is Cleopatra. Cleopatra is a Blue Sapphire Olive egger. Cleopatra lives with her 3 sisters, a Midnight Majestic Marans, a Welsummer and a Golden Laced Wyandotte.
Let us hear what their owners have to say about Cleopatra!
"Name: Cleopatra
Nickname: Cleo
Position in the flock: Queen Supreme
Favorite food: Blueberries
Favorite place to eat: sitting on my lap
Cleo is a Blue Sapphire-Olive egger and is by far our smartest chicken. Her antics are absolutely hilarious. She has no idea she can't fly, and frequently jumps up high, flapping her wings, to get to a treat before her sisters. She enjoys sitting on our laps accepting treats, eyeing her less confident colleagues with disdain. She often sits at the corner of the run clucking to the horse (by the way, Aladdin, the horse, was absolutely terrified of the chickens when they first arrived - he's a big chicken himself - but now thinks of them as part of his herd). I really don't think she knows she's a chicken."
How fun! Thank you for sharing about Cleo's personality! Its great that Aladdin is getting along with the girls!
Below are some of Gleo's photos provided by her owners. Enjoy!

Below are some of Elizabeth and Boudica photos provided by their owners. Enjoy!
The Stars of this month are Elizabeth and Boudica. Elizabeth is an Americana Easter Egger with creamy white shade partridge feather pattern, and Boudica is a Prairie Blue Egger with dark copper brown golden laced feathers.
Let us hear what their owners have to say about Elizabeth and Boudica. "Things are going really well! We have the two girls in the shared coop with our other three chickens now, but they stick with each other and sleep in a separate box inside the coop area.Fun facts:- They are both named after historical queens- Boudica can fly out of the coop quite easily but rarely does- Elizabeth and Boudica like to be "tucked in" at night, carried perched on an arm into their sleeping area- Elizabeth is our bravest chicken and Boudica follows her around everywhere- They don't bother our neighbors - our top chicken Sara Lee has that taken care of all on her own!"
How fun! Thank you for sharing about their personalities! We love to hear how they are so bonded and like to be tucked in at night!